ETIIX - E-Ticarette İlk ve En Kapsamlı Güven Endeksleri

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ETIIX is a system for following up and indexing e-commerce. It is first indexation system in Turkey. ETIIX's aim is to make those good and trustworthy e-commerce dealers go one step forward. ETIIX, with its own R&D project developed with the support of KOSGEB (Government body), provides a more transparent environment to the e-commerce dealers in order to create a safer online shopping (e-shops). What is special with ETIIX is a fast revaluation and indexing system for e-commerce.
ETIIX gives a grade to the e-commerce dealers by evaluating their information given on their web sites, sample order forms and sales contracts, data given in the balance sheets and income statements and e-dealers' publicly-transaperent-trade registry information. ETIIX tests also the IT and payment security systems of those e-sellers who demand.
After having revalued an e-seller, ETIIX gives two (financial and legal index) or three revaluation (financial, legal and technological) grades and also explain why an-seller's grade is either 'very good', 'good', 'modest' or 'not good'.
No. If an e-seller (eshops)pferes -whatever the grade it got- to postpone the announcement of its grade. If an e-sellers thinks that it can recover its grade, it can postpone the announcement until it sorts out the issues. ETIIX obeys all confientiality rules of the e-sellers.
ETIIX gives the following services: i) search engine for registered e-dealers in Turkey, ii) Grading financials and legal sales contracts of e-sellers, iii) guaranteing the use of the rights of the clients for refunding and other claims, iv) following up and consulting for 'Trust Seal' and 'ETBIS' for e-sellers, v) exercising a continuous online web quality questionnaire and vi) financial valuation of the companies. Moreover, ETIIX also makes R&D projects on e-commerce and gives analysis and data mining services.
ETIIX tells consumers whether the website that is being shopped is registered or not registered to the local Commercial Registry and whether the e-seller gives guarantee to the consumers or not. Furthermore, ETIIX allows the search of the grades and shows these grades, if the e-seller wanted its grades to be displayed. By doing so, ETIIX promotes the safe e-sellers with a very low budget. Some of our services are free.
İlk olarak, ETIIX sisteminden yararlanmak isteyen e-ticaret işletmeleri ETIIX' e online olarak başvuruyor ve sipariş ve sözleşmesini online olarak yapıyor. İkinci olarak, sözleşmeden sonra kendisinden istenen bilgileri ETIIX’ in web sitesine yüklüyor. Ardından ETIIX, aldığı verileri kendi geliştirdiği yöntem ve yazılımlarla çok kısa sürede kontrol edip, değerlemesini yapıyor ve sonucu sadece e-satıcı ile paylaşıyor. Bundan sonraki sürece, e-satıcı ile ETIIX birlikte karar veriyor. E-satıcı isterse, ETIIX’ den yararlanmayı durduruyor; isterse, yardım almaya devam ediyor.
ETBIS is a website which has been constructed by the Ministry of Customs and Trade for recording the e-sellers. ETIIX is a pivate project supported by a government body (KOSGEB). All e-sellers must register to ETBIS whereas not to ETIIX. ETIIX evaluates the websites and gives grades whereas ETBIS doesn't make an evaluation. ETIIX especially try to create a safe e-commerce environment for consumers.
E-satıcı sorgulama, sayfasında bulunan arama motoru ile yapılabilir. Arama motoruna aramak istediğiniz işletmenin İşletmenin Adını/Unvanını/Sicil No/Alan Adını veya Faaliyet Alanını girerek sonuçlarına bakabilirsiniz.
Everybody can be a member by registering online. It is free.
No. Our search system is open to public.
It is free for consumers and end-users. But, there is a small fee for e-sellers.
You have to click the link called 'I forgot my password' . This link takes you to the right address.
If an e-seller has a local commercial registry in Turkey, then this implies that it is a registered-company and thus consumers may bring a suit against it if it doesn't obey the e-Commerce Law no 6563. If an e-seller has registered abroad, then there will be a message of 'Na' and therefore, for such e-sellers it is almost impossible or very costly to bring a suit against them.
ETIIX's valuation model (a software) can be used for rating and/or making valuation of all companies.